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Why Should We Submit to an Early Christian Creed? - Credo Magazine
What should a pastor do when he finds a member of his church promoting the ancient heresy of Arianism? I recently returned home to Canada from Melbourne, Australia where I undertook doctoral research ...- likes 1
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The Apostles' Creed
'... On the third he rose again. He ascended into heaven. He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and will come again to judge the living and the dead...'
Why could death not hold Jesus?
First, because he is the 'Holy One' whom could will never abandon to death - just look there in Acts 2:25-28, as Peter quotes Psalm 16. There is no one like Jesus!
Second, because he actually paid the price for sin, and death was beaten. Here is where Isaiah 53:10 is so important. God's plan, if you look there, was for the servant (Jesus) to be a 'restitution offering' - to pay the price for sin. And Isaiah 53:10 states that God's plan would work, and the servant would live. And so the resurrection is the affirmation of Isaiah 53:10: the restitution offering of Jesus worked!
The resurrection is the great statement that sin is beaten!
Father, thank you that your will worked, in Christ. Amen.
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