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The Apostles' Creed
'... suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell ...'

I want to make an observation about the word 'suffered' here. It is a word our world generally shies away from. And it is a word that we Reformed Evangelical Christians shy away from, for some reason.

Yet, when Jesus describes how he will display being 'the Christ' (Mark 8:27-33), he states that it is a necessity that he 'suffer' - and this sits across the Gospels. The suffering that Jesus endured is a necessary part of his life as 'the Christ' - and I think this is captured in Isaiah 53:3-4. In turn, this leads into the words Jesus uses to describe the life of the disciples (that 'taking up your cross' thing, in Mark 8:34), and how Peter describes the life of the disciple in 1 Peter 2:21-25.

So, how about we think on the necessity of this idea of 'suffering', and what it means in the life of Jesus, and the lives of those who follow him...

Father, thank you that Jesus, with joy, took the path laid before him, and perfected salvation. Amen.
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