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Matthew 19:13-30
This passage breaks into three parts - verses 13-15, verses 16-22, and then verses 23-30. And all focus on the idea of 'Who belongs... in God's kingdom?'

In the first section, children are stopped from coming to Jesus, by the disciples! This flies in the face of what Jesus has already made clear in Matthew 18:1-5... and Jesus intervenes. He rebukes, he instructs and then he states: 'the kingdom of heaven is made up of people like these' (vs.14). He then treats the children with respect and care, and leaves.

Jesus is NOT saying that children are innately sinless and unblemished by the world.

Jesus does welcome the children. Jesus doesn't accommodate the children but he incorporates the children. Jesus states clearly that the children are 'like', or 'such' - they display an attribute, or characteristic, that marks out those who 'make up' the kingdom of heaven. In this sense, Jesus is emphasising (I think) dependence and reliance and humility - it is what he has already described in Matthew 18:1-5. The kingdom of heaven is made up of the dependent, the humble, the weak, the reliant - just like children.

Father, thank you that you welcome and incorporate the weak and the dependent and the reliant and the child-like into your kingdom, as they throw themselves upon your mercy. Amen.
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