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CloseBernard Gabbott - Sunday, 27 June 2021
The Good Life
What is the good life? It is the perennial human question, and search – the search for the life that is good, happy, blessed. It was the desire of God’s people as they returned to their land, after their exile. Taken away by superpowers, in judgement, for their continued disobedience of God, they returned to a land that was diminished, a temple that was diminished, an existence that seemed diminished – and they asked, ‘Where is the good life?’ Moreover, they asked, ‘Where is the rule of our God?’ God answers them in the very words of these songs he has given them: ‘The good life is found with roots in my revelation, which means you meet the King I have promised and take refuge in him’.
Scripture References: Psalms 1:1-6, Matthew 3:13-17, Matthew 5:1-17
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