The Base

Bernard Gabbott - Sunday, 11 February 2024

The Base

I don’t know much about building, but I do know a little bit about running. And the key to running, especially distance running, is having a solid base – it is having your foundation straight. You need to start at the right place, and starting here, you continue from here. That is why we are learning the Gospel – we are getting our base right. ‘Gospel’ means significant, history-affecting, good news. It is where we start in being saved, in being God’s mob (1 Cor.15:1-5). It is where we continue in being God’s mob (Col.2:6-7). And it is what we share (Col.4:2-6). The Gospel is something spoken, something learned, something passed on – the news about Jesus, who died and rose, to deal with the sins of humans. And the starting point for this is way back at the start: the truth that God made the world, that he made it good, that God sustains the world, and that he made us as his image-bearers to look after the world under him.

Scripture References: Revelation 4:11, Psalms 55:1-23, Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis 2:1-3

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