Sermons / Talks

Bernard Gabbott - Sunday, 29 December 2024

Understanding where I am Planted

2024 is finishing, 2025 is looming – how will we finish… how will we start… how will we go on? Psalm 92 is the only psalm designated ‘for the Sabbath’ in the whole Psalter: it is a good way to finish one week, and to start the next, gathered as God’s mob. As the week’s flow into each other, this one truth remains every day: ‘You, LORD are exalted forever’ (vs.8). It lies at the heart of this psalm – and it helps us understand where we are plated so we know what we will proclaim and practice. God’s mob are planted in His presence, in His eternal presence. This gives them a certain perspective on life, on the temporal things that surround. This gives them a unique difference to so much they see, which looks flourishing but is destined to destruction. This gives them a grasp of how they came to be here – by God’s grace. This, then, shapes how they proclaim and practice life, daily, weekly, yearly: ‘The LORD is magnificent – just look at Him, and His constant faithful love’. Jesus grasped this – remember how He prayed even as He approached His death? God’s mob – us! – can finish one year, and face the next, knowing where we are planted, so that we know what to proclaim and practice: ‘Look at how magnificent the LORD is!’

Scripture References: Psalms 92:1-15, Genesis 2:8-25, Colossians 1:9-14

From Series: "Psalm"


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