Sermons / Talks

Stephen Bailey - Sunday, 22 December 2024

We Three Kings of Orient are

The nativity story around the wise men is something we are familiar with. We see images of three kings in so many nativity scenes. We hear in the carol “We Three Kings” about three kings who follow the star. But what does Matthew actually tell us about this part of the story? When we get into it, the story is really about an undetermined number of wise, learned, knowledgeable scientific astrologers who travel a long distance to worship a child from another nation. But why? Why do that? Because they know this child is special. He is important to them, as outsiders. He is important to His own nation. He is important for the whole world. And their response is to worship Him. Their story points us to who it is that is worthy of worship, and how to express that worship.

Scripture References: Matthew 2:1-12, Psalms 91:1-16, Micah 5:1-6

From Series: "Christmas"


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