Sermons / Talks

Bernard Gabbott - Sunday, 15 December 2024

Angels from the realms of glory

Have you ever considered that Christmas is a moment about reactions? When you read the accounts of the birth of Jesus, everyone on our side (the human side) is reacting – Mary to Gabriel’s news, Joseph to Mary’s condition and Gabriel’s news, the shepherds to the angels, the wise men to the star, and Herod and Jerusalem to the wise men. Put simply, Christmas is about a series of snapshots of reactions – kind of like everything that everyone will upload onto Tik-Tok as they film each other’s reactions. But reactions are only possible if there is something to react to – and, from God’s side, that is exactly the truth: He has sent an event, news, a moment, of global proportions into our world. And this is His grace. And He calls us to consider this moment, and work out what we are doing with it!

Scripture References: Ephesians 2:1-10, Luke 2:1-20, Psalms 90:1-17

From Series: "Christmas"


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